Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kate Conard

Television: The T.V. has been used for communication for many years now. Not only can you watch your favorite shows or movies, but the news is also shown and the weather. This has become more convenient for people as they don't have to leave their house to see if it's cold out, instead the weatherman will tell them. T.V.s are made up of pictures, language, sound.

Cell Phones: This is also more convenient for people today to call friends/family, emergencies. Now phones get the internet and you can get the weather, directions, check your email all by the touch of a few buttons. Phones are made of pictures, sounds, light.

Email: Email has made communication easier for people to keep in touch with friends and families. Also, a lot of companies keep in touch with their customers by sending email to keep them notified. Email is made up of words, links, and sometimes pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Televison: I would say some negative effects would be that it makes us as a society lazier. People sit on the couch for many hours at a time and it is extremely unhealthy. Some of the outcomes are obesity, eye damage, etc. Some positive effects are that you can get information easily and quickly. It's entertaining-parents can entertain their children while cooking dinner.

    Cell phone: Positive: Communication is easier, people feel safer. Negatives: We have become so dependent on our phones, People text and drive and talk on the phone and drive and get in accidents killing others.

    Email: Positive: quick and easy, convenient, communication is accessible. Negative: Writing letters has become a lost art. viruses enter computer, again, we are being lazy and staring at a screen.
