Wednesday, March 24, 2010

midterm project - Nokia 888

Kate Conard
Professor Jacobsen
Media Literacy
Midterm Project

Nokia 888

No need to stick it in your pocket or backpack. No more looking for it as it rings. Don’t have any pockets? Well thanks to its new form fit, you can simply wrap it around your wrist or clip it to the side of your pants! The new Nokia 888 form phone is the cell phone of the future. Communication is extremely important to our society. No matter where you go, the phone “follows you.”
How does this phone bend to fit around your wrist? The phone has a touch-sensitive body cover that allows it to form around basically anything. The battery is a liquid battery which, again, adds to the flexibility of the phone. Other features are its speech recognition and flexible touch screen. If you need an alarm clock, the phone can be set as an alarm clock, if you want it to turn into the shape of a phone, it’s simple! No buttons, no bulgy look; it’s sleek, form fitting and easy to use. The user personalizes the phone to the forms which fit their lives the best.
The Nokia 888 is meant to act as an “electronical pet” that forms to your movement. In the morning it may ask, “What are we going to do today?” or “We are here.” It sort of acts like your friend. The user may also send these e-motions, or electronical motions, to other Nokia 888 users such as a heart or send a little dance that the phone will do as it reaches your friends phone to ask them to a party. You can have a video chat on the phone as it is wrapped around your wrist and you’re walking down the street! It is amazing that this phone will fit your life style!
Some other features besides the alarm clock, is the phone has PDA (Personal Digital Assistance), GPS (Global Positioning System), push email receiver, and is a digital wallet! The phone was designed by Tamer Nakisci and recognized in 2005 and is still just a concept, but soon to be reality. There is no release date, nor price as it is still new. The Nokia 888 will change what we think of cell phones and.
It will be important for marketers to reach us consumers successfully for this phone to become well known. There are many different techniques that can be used to inspire consumers to understand the Nokia 888. Neuromarketing, for example, came into play about seven years ago; bringing science into the marketing world. It is to look at consumers as brains, and not people. Scientist have found that brains are making the decision. It is a three step decision process in which the final step is made in the reptilian brain. Touching people’s emotion and compassion part of the brain is important when marketing as many people make their decisions based on how they feel about something. When neuromarketing, the following questions should be considered: Who, what when and why. “Why” is extremely important because it involves all three parts of the brain. When marketing the Nokia 888, marketers should really focus on how consumers will feel about the technology. It is meant to target a younger crowd, so they should definitely study and work with the younger crowd to what they like best about the phone and then advertise the phone using the parts that the consumers find most beneficial and what they think will get them to purchase the phone.
Emotional branding deals with a person’s experience with a particular brand. “Needs” turn into “wants.” For example, we need clothes, but we want clothes form JCrew or Ralph Lauren. It’s “cooler” to get a cup of coffee from Starbucks than your local coffee shop. This is a very important technique to consider when marketers are selling a new product to consumers. If done correctly, emotional branding could be very beneficial when advertising the Nokia 888. This phone falls into a completely new category of cell phones. They need to make sure to represent this phone as the “new phone that everyone is buying,” and in order to be “cool” you need to get it.
Narrowcasting is the spreading of an advertising message to a small group of people using television, mail, trade publications or seminars. It delivers custom-tailored ads that have to do with previous purchases of future consumers. Email is an example, as people get email to certain places that they subscribed to. Those companies can send them new information regarding new products in which these consumers might enjoy. The Nokia 888 can be marketed using this technique if a user of the Nokia Phone brand is subscribed with Nokia, they could get mail, or email regarding the new phone. Seeing these advertisements, they might be more likely to buy it because they trust the company.
Rhetorical marketing deals with different types of communications used to seem reliable and convincing to the consumer. Marketers change their form of communication to reach the consumer. This is usually done by choosing the right words of styles of writing in which the recipient agrees with. This form of marketing can be used when advertising the Nokia 888 if the marketer chooses words such as, “user-friendly,” or “phone that understands you,” something that will grab the attention of the consumer in which they will want to use a phone that “understands” them or is easy to use.
Under the radar marketing is basically marketing done via television, radio or the newspaper. There are also these websites called, “under the radar digital media websites,” in which users stay connected via the internet by sharing photos or comments. This can help market the Nokia 888 perhaps if people working for Nokia make a page on Facebook with information such as price, the release date, or features of the phone. Consumers will then be able to look up information about the phone to determine if they want to buy it.
Product placement is a type of advertising in which branded products are advertised in places that are not “advertisements” such as the movies or television shows. This can easily be done for the Nokia 888. The next modern movie made, rather than have a “typical” cell phone be advertised, use the Nokia 888 form phone. Viewers of this movie may wonder what the phone is and research it, wanting to purchase the phone.
Making your product recognizable is extremely important in the advertising world. The Nokia 888 is original therefore marketing it should be fairly easy. Future techniques of marketing will really depend on strategy of the marketers. A great way of advertising a new product could be making a blog about it through the internet that anyone can comment on or ask questions. Users could easily get the latest updates and information regarding the Nokia 888.
The Nokia 888 form phone is a great concept that will hopefully really turn into the next generation of cell phones. Its unique form fit and voice recognition really allows it to be a phone like no other that is user-friendly. From its alarm clock, flexible touch screen to its e-motion feature, it seems to be the “perfect phone.” The techniques used in advertising this product will truly affect the results of the popularity of this phone. Hopefully Marketers will study the phone and users carefully when determining how they are going to advertise it, though many of the techniques seem to be successful.

My Opinion:

It is difficult for me to decide whether I like this idea of the Nokia 888 form phone. Usually I am not a fan of new technology because I think it is hurting out society more than it is benefiting it. However, this form phone and its unique design, I find very interesting. I think the idea is great and yes, it will make some of the things we do in life easier. Yet I don’t think we always need to be “connected” all the time. I think the more we are connected to email and the internet, the less connected we are to things in life such as nature, or face –to-face conversations. For example, the other day I took was riding the train and I noticed majority of the people on the train were constantly on their Blackberry phones. Whether checking email or on an important business call, these people were always connected. Whatever happened to reading a book, or enjoying the scenery? I cannot say that I like this Nokia 888 form phone concept because I believe we are too connected to the internet as it is.
I do think the concept that the phone can form around your wrist, or clip to your pocket is great because many people who lose their phone or find it difficult to fit in their pocket will find this extremely beneficial. The fact that the other side of the phone is a touch screen is also a great idea. What I am also concerned with is how dependent it seems that we will become of this phone. In the YouTube video, the girl using the phone, uses it as an alarm clock, help her decide what to do today, a GPS system, a phone, the internet, and payment for a book she bought. What if it breaks? Or is lost? Will she know how to handle herself? I just fear for the next generation that they won’t learn how to do everyday activities because they might be so dependent on this technology.

Works Cited

"Form Follows You, Nokia 888 Concept Cell Phone | Tuvie Industrial Design and Future Technology." Tuvie Industrial Design and Future Technology - Automotive Design | Futuristic Gadget | Product Design. Web. 16 Mar. 2010. .

"Future Cellphone:Nokia 888." HubPages. Web. 16 Mar. 2010. .

"Narrowcasting Definition." - Online Business Dictionary. Web. 16 Mar. 2010. .

Neuromarketing. Web. 16 Mar. 2010. .
Nokia 888 - A Phone Of The Future - Pictures, Videos, Information. Web. 16 Mar. 2010. .

"Nokia 888." HubPages. Web. 1662 Mar. 2010. .

"Product Placement -." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 16 Mar. 2010. .

"Purchasing Motivators." The Wiglaf Journal - Sales, Marketing, & Entrepreneurship. Web. 16 Mar. 2010. .

"Rhetoric, Marketing and Research. Rhetoric in Advertising." B. Web. 16 Mar. 2010. .

"What Is Narrowcast? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary." Webopedia: Online Computer Dictionary for Computer and Internet Terms and Definitions. Web. 16 Mar. 2010. .

"WikiAnswers - What Is under the Radar Marketing." WikiAnswers - The Q&A Wiki. Web. 16 Mar. 2010. .

"YouTube - Nokia 888 Design." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 16 Mar. 2010. .

1 comment:

  1. As it stands right now.. you are between a B+ and an A, This can change in either way before the end of the semester, please be aware of this... thanks TJ
